What Crops Can you Plant in your Organic Garden?

Let me begin by confirming that the stories are true, organic gardening requires commitment and understanding. Organic gardening does not utilize chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, gardeners, use biological methods of pest control such as a wasp trap. Organic gardening also entails the existence of nature in perfect balance; therefore, do not be surprised to see gardeners who do not mind the insects.

This is because they understand the important role of insects in the garden, so much so that some organic gardeners have built a bug hotel in their gardens with the aim of enjoying all the benefits of insects in gardening. It is important to note that the type of crop grown differs with each garden due to climatic, soil, and nutrient differences

The weeds can be controlled using natural weed control methods, while some can be used as food for your pet especially rabbits, all you need are good outdoor rabbit hutch plans to begin. The choices of organic crops in the market are enormous and the new farmer needs to choose the crop that is best suited in their environment. 1. Radishes

‘Seeds’ are whole or cut sections of potatoes, sold in early spring. Sourced from: http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/10-best-garden-crops-for-beginners.aspx 11. Asparagus Plant once, harvest for years: A well-maintained bed of this sweet, slender veggie will stay productive for up to 15 years, and, with its vibrant, ferny foliage, asparagus makes an excellent ornamental

This guide includes descriptions of Brussels sprout varieties and tips for growing this cabbage-family crop in your organic Sourced from: http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/gardening-techniques/crop-guide-growing-organic-vegetables-fruits-zl0z1211zsto.aspx

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