Top 5 Tankless Water Heater Benefits

Tankless water heaters have experienced positive growth in popularity in recent years and for good reason. Water heating is the second largest expense in a typical American home, accounting for 14 to 18 percent of the home’s utility bill.

Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to maximize cost and energy savings in their homes, and investing in an energy-efficient tankless water heater could be the key. If you would like to invest in a water heater for your home, here are 5 reasons why choosing a tankless water heater is the wisest choice.

Top 5 Tankless Water Heater Benefits

1. No More Cold Showers

If your household has over 4 members and you are still using a tank water heater, chances are there is a constant battle for hot water. Trying to fit everyones schedule in the morning is close to impossible without at least one person ending up with cold water. A tankless water heater provides an instant solution to the problem since it heats up water on demand, ensuring that it is always available when needed.

2. Higher Durability

A tank water heater carries a warranty of between 6 and 10 years and lasts up to a decade. In comparison, a tankless water heater can have a warranty of between 10 and 15 years and lasts up to 2 decades. It is thus a much better investment in the long-run. With that in mind, a tankless water heater instantly increases the value of your home.

3. Higher Distribution Rate

Tankless water heaters create hot water on demand, which means that you can perform several activities simultaneously while utilizing the tank. For instance, you can run the washing machine dishwasher, and have 2 showers all running at the same time and the system will keep producing hot water without ever running out.

4. Water Conservation

The traditional tank water heater takes anywhere from 2 to 3 minutes to produce hot water and anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to refill the reserve. However, with tankless water heaters, you don’t have to wait for water to heat up since it happens instantly. Not only will does this help you save time but it also ensures that water doesn’t go to waste while you wait for the hot water to finally arrive.

5. Space Savings

A tankless water heater takes about 1/5 of the space occupied by a traditional tank water heater. It can generally be mounted on the wall and connected to your water. Since the tankless units are safer than traditional tank heaters, you can place them in areas that are recommended that you keep a traditional tank water heater away from.

Final Thoughts

Choosing one of the best tankless water heaters can offer so many benefits over traditional tank water heaters as clearly explained here. If you install a tankless water heater in your home, it will be one of the best investments you ever make. If you would like to learn more about the tankless water heater benefits, and/or set an appointment to have one installed in your property, you should visit the link above.